this just feels awful to play the controls are extremely unresponsive and there isn't a slider to make the bg darker (this is extremely painful to watch). good try but better luck next time.
also i don't think this was done in collaboration with muse dash and just feels wrong.
Veo mucho potencial en el juego, Pixel art llamativo y bien diseñado. Banda sonora no es mala pero tampoco es la mejor. Puede mejorarse el ritmo por ejemplo, ya que lo siento muy apresurado. No quiero sacar conclusiones pero el estilo de juego se parece demasiado al de MD, la unica diferencia de que este titulo no tiene la cualidad de atacar rapido para tocar el suelo.
Hola, concuerdo contigo con lo de los pixel arts y enrealidad este juego es un fangame inspirado en Muse Dash + Vtubers de una agencia, esto se puede saber gracias al ultimo parrafo de la descripcion del fangame. Talvez lo del ritmo apresurado sea porque dependiendo del orden de las canciones sea por dificultad (las de la izquierda son de menos dificultad, las de la derecha son las de mayor dificultad), pero te doy la razon porque a veces siento que si presiono una nota pero resulta que el juego dice que no la presione XD
Por cierto, las canciones que están en este juego son canciones originales de las Vtubers (a exepción de KING, que es un cover) que son buenardas y te recominedo escuchar las originales, y bueno, podria decirse que la banda sonora del juego no fue hecha por el mismo creador, sino que fue hecha por otra persona.
kinda hard to play this with a controIIer when there's Ioads of input Iag especiaIIy during jacks compared to muse dash. aIso mogu mogu is a must add to this game cuz muse dash devs are cowards
the game is pretty fun but I feel like when you press a button, it got a little bit of delay like it's small but when I go tryhard mode then it's annoying maybe because I still using a laptop keyboard or maybe I suck at the game
Damn i really like this MUSE DASH RIPOFF you guys made, while saying it's an original thing.
it really takes a new kind of low to do this. If you can't make a game, that's fine but don't steal from independant devs who actually put effort in their stuff because that's just messed up.
just a short fangame with hololive characters. consider this a "free demo" of sorts, one would get before buying Muse Dash just to see how it plays.
Muse Dash is the property of PeroPeroGames, I have no intention of upsetting the creators/fans of the original game this short demo is based upon. I created this just for fun and to learn more about the intricacies of developing a rhythm game, and have no plans to further develop it beyond a few bug fixes/refinements and perhaps a new stage or two.
I love playing this, but for some reason it doesn't always pick up my keypresses (it seems to only be a problem in violet and KING, I manage to get through Hinotori just fine and I haven't tested Red but from playthroughs prior to the update I've had no issues there either)? Several times I've pressed j or f only to get no response, and rebinding doesn't fix the issue
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muse dash wwww
that's fun,support you
pls add more songs
How do you make the downloaded game run full screen?
bro i am so bad at this... how do you do the part with kiara
the first level?
Pls make android version
Good Soup , it makes my hand hurt sometimes but Good soup
this just feels awful to play the controls are extremely unresponsive and there isn't a slider to make the bg darker (this is extremely painful to watch). good try but better luck next time.
also i don't think this was done in collaboration with muse dash and just feels wrong.
Hey, I'm working on a rhythm mapping tool for games like yours. it's called MBOY Editor ( Do you want to try it for your game? Vic
bro that's autoplay right there 💀💀💀💀
pretty challenging, but very fun!
its not working for me anymore
free muse dash? here it is
Veo mucho potencial en el juego, Pixel art llamativo y bien diseñado. Banda sonora no es mala pero tampoco es la mejor. Puede mejorarse el ritmo por ejemplo, ya que lo siento muy apresurado. No quiero sacar conclusiones pero el estilo de juego se parece demasiado al de MD, la unica diferencia de que este titulo no tiene la cualidad de atacar rapido para tocar el suelo.
Hola, concuerdo contigo con lo de los pixel arts y enrealidad este juego es un fangame inspirado en Muse Dash + Vtubers de una agencia, esto se puede saber gracias al ultimo parrafo de la descripcion del fangame. Talvez lo del ritmo apresurado sea porque dependiendo del orden de las canciones sea por dificultad (las de la izquierda son de menos dificultad, las de la derecha son las de mayor dificultad), pero te doy la razon porque a veces siento que si presiono una nota pero resulta que el juego dice que no la presione XD
Por cierto, las canciones que están en este juego son canciones originales de las Vtubers (a exepción de KING, que es un cover) que son buenardas y te recominedo escuchar las originales, y bueno, podria decirse que la banda sonora del juego no fue hecha por el mismo creador, sino que fue hecha por otra persona.
Un saludo
add more song
this really is a cool game really love the music of the title screen
kinda hard to play this with a controIIer when there's Ioads of input Iag especiaIIy during jacks compared to muse dash. aIso mogu mogu is a must add to this game cuz muse dash devs are cowards
you should add a safe mode, a mode where you cant die and you can just play the song and see how bad you are
great game, too bad I suck ass at rhythm games
the game is pretty fun but I feel like when you press a button, it got a little bit of delay
like it's small but when I go tryhard mode then it's annoying
maybe because I still using a laptop keyboard or maybe I suck at the game
very good, but i think it would be good to have fullscreen and HFR modes for displays
Damn i really like this MUSE DASH RIPOFF you guys made, while saying it's an original thing.
it really takes a new kind of low to do this. If you can't make a game, that's fine but don't steal from independant devs who actually put effort in their stuff because that's just messed up.
just a short fangame with hololive characters. consider this a "free demo" of sorts, one would get before buying Muse Dash just to see how it plays.
i cant press
Its very fun! though sometimes it doesn't pick up my hits on some of the maps
mc lovin it
can't press both air and ground button
fun as hell
Got FC on my second try
the color of the enemy is blending in the background maybe changing the background color would be a good idea
Being able to change the background brightness would be nice too
very fun game
playing again after a month but sometimes the key controls arent picking up...
it started working again :)
I love playing this, but for some reason it doesn't always pick up my keypresses (it seems to only be a problem in violet and KING, I manage to get through Hinotori just fine and I haven't tested Red but from playthroughs prior to the update I've had no issues there either)? Several times I've pressed j or f only to get no response, and rebinding doesn't fix the issue